Saturday, November 24, 2012


Time: 3 hours]                   [Total Marks: 80
Instructions: (1) Answer all questions
Each question carries three marks.
 Answers should be brief and straight to the point and shall not exceed five simple sentences.
1.       What is linked list? Give example.
2.       State the applications of stack.
3.       What is priority queue?
4.       Define complete binary tree.
5.       List various tree traversal techniques.
6.       Write the uses of sparse matrix.
7.       What are the different representations of tree in memory?
8.       List various sorting techniques.
9.       What is merge sort?
10.   Define ‘binary search’. Give an example.
Instructions: (1) Answer any five questions.
(2) Each question carries ten marks.
(3) Answers should be comprehensive and the criteria for valuation is the content but not the length of the answer
11.   (a) write a c program for insertion operation on a single-linked list. (b) explain double-linked circular list with an example.
12.   Explain the algorithm for conversion of infix to postfix expression with an example.
13.   (a) explain the implementation of queue using linked list. (b) write a short note on circular queue.
14.   Write a c program to perform traversal operations on tree.
15.   (a) explain linked representation of binary tree with an example. (b) explain binary search sort.
16.   Explain with a program for operations on binary tree for integers.
17.   (a) explain the principle of quick sort with an example. (b) write a c program for selection sort.
18.   (a) explain about abstract data types. (b) explain linear search technique with example.



19.   What is linked list? Give example.
20.   State the applications of stack.
21.   What is priority queue?
22.   Define complete binary tree.
23.   List various tree traversal techniques.
24.   Write the uses of sparse matrix.
25.   What are the different representations of tree in memory?
26.   List various sorting techniques.
27.   What is merge sort?
28.   Define ‘binary search’. Give an example.


29.   (a) write a c program for insertion operation on a single-linked list. (b) explain double-linked circular list with an example.
30.   Explain the algorithm for conversion of infix to postfix expression with an example.
31.   (a) explain the implementation of queue using linked list. (b) write a short note on circular queue.
32.   Write a c program to perform traversal operations on tree.
33.   (a) explain linked representation of binary tree with an example. (b) explain binary search sort.
34.   Explain with a program for operations on binary tree for integers.
35.   (a) explain the principle of quick sort with an example. (b) write a c program for selection sort.
36.   (a) explain about abstract data types. (b) explain linear search technique with example.

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