Wednesday, April 3, 2013

MARCH/APRIL-2013 (c-05)

Time: 3 hours]                   [Total Marks: 100
Instructions: (1) Answer all questions
Each question carries Four marks.
 Answers should be brief and straight to the point and shall not exceed five simple sentences.
1.      Define data structure and classify them.
2.      Explain the linear data structures.
3.      Differentiate between arrays and linked list
4.      Write in short, about queue.
5.      List different types of representing an expression.
6.      List applications of stacks.
7.      Define the terms-tree, binary tree, complete binary tree.
8.      List applications of tree
9.      List various sorting techniques.
10.   Explain the method of linear search.

Instructions: (1) Answer any five questions.
(2) Each question carries 12 marks.
(3) Answers should be comprehensive and the criteria for valuation is the content but not the length of the answer
11.  (a) write an algorithm to create singly linked list. (b) write a program to search a given element in singly linked list.
12.   Explain about the operations of doubly linked list..
13.   (a) write an algorithm to implement stack operations. (b) write a program to create sparse matrix for a given matrix
14.   Explain about binary search sort with an example.
15.   (a) write an algorithm to create a binary tree.
        (b). write the post traversal for the given binary tree.

16.  construct binary tree given inorder and preorder traversals: Preorder-ABDGCEHIF. Inorder- DGBAHEICF
17. (a) Write an algorithm to implement bubble sort and mention its time complexity. (b) write a program to implement quick sort.
18. (a) Explain with an example about merge sort. (b) write a program to implement binary search.

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